The role of the somatic sensory association area is

A. understanding and interpreting touch information.
B. feeling textures.
C. locating objects.
D. comparing planned movement to actual movement


the neurotransmitter that is needed for muscle function is

A- acetylcholine
B- eoinephrine
D- serotonin

The correct answer is A. understanding and interpreting touch information.

The somatic sensory association area is responsible for processing and interpreting touch information from the skin. It helps us understand and recognize different sensations such as pressure, temperature, and pain. Additionally, it plays a role in integrating this touch information with other sensory inputs to create a more complete understanding of our surroundings.

The role of the somatic sensory association area is understanding and interpreting touch information. To arrive at this answer, you can break down the question and options:

Question: What is the role of the somatic sensory association area?
A. Understanding and interpreting touch information.
B. Feeling textures.
C. Locating objects.
D. Comparing planned movement to actual movement.

Now let's analyze each option:

A. Understanding and interpreting touch information: This option seems to fit well with the role of the somatic sensory association area. This area helps in processing and interpreting various tactile sensations.

B. Feeling textures: While feeling textures might be a part of the overall tactile perception, it is not the primary role of the somatic sensory association area. It is more associated with primary somatosensory cortex.

C. Locating objects: Locating objects relies on the integration of multiple sensory inputs, including touch, vision, and proprioception. While the somatic sensory association area may contribute to this process, it is not its primary role.

D. Comparing planned movement to actual movement: This process is primarily associated with the motor cortex and not directly related to the somatic sensory association area.

Considering the analysis, option A, understanding and interpreting touch information, is the best fit for the role of the somatic sensory association area. Therefore, the correct answer is A.