The new container of Mootastic ice cream was reduced by 8% so that the new calories count is 410. How many calories were in the old container?

you just have to solve for x, where

0.92x = 410


To find out how many calories were in the old container, we need to reverse the 8% reduction and find the original calorie count.

Step 1: Convert the 8% reduction to a decimal. Dividing 8 by 100 gives us 0.08.

Step 2: Subtract the reduction amount from 1 to get the ratio of the original size. 1 - 0.08 = 0.92.

Step 3: Divide the new calorie count by the ratio to find the old calorie count. 410 / 0.92 = 445.65.

So, there were approximately 445.65 calories in the old container of Mootastic ice cream.