If you take a boat from earth and put it on a planet with twice earth's gravity, what

would happen if you tried to float it in water?

Nothing. the weight of the boat would be 2x, and would displace 2x, but the density of the water is 2x, so the displacement is unchange.

If you take a boat from Earth and put it on a planet with twice Earth's gravity, the boat would experience a different buoyant force when you try to float it in water. To understand what would happen, we need to consider the relationship between gravity, buoyancy, and the density of water.

The buoyant force is the upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid, such as water. It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. On Earth, the strength of gravity and buoyant force are balanced, allowing objects to float or sink based on their density.

In the scenario you described, where the planet has twice Earth's gravity, the gravitational force pulling the boat downward is greater. However, the density of water remains the same as on Earth. Consequently, when you place the boat in water, it will displace an amount of water equal to its own weight. But since the gravitational force is doubled, the buoyant force will also increase.

If the boat is less dense than the water, it will experience a greater buoyant force and will tend to float. However, due to the increased gravitational force, it may sit lower in the water than it would on Earth. If the boat is more dense than the water, it will experience a lesser buoyant force and will tend to sink deeper.

To determine the exact behavior, you need to consider the density of the boat and compare it to the density of water on the planet. If the boat's density is less than the density of water, it will still have the potential to float but slightly lower. If the boat's density is greater than the density of water, it will further sink into the water.

In summary, on a planet with twice Earth's gravity, a boat immersed in water will still experience a buoyant force, but due to the increased gravitational force, it may sit lower or sink deeper compared to its behavior on Earth. The specific outcome depends on the boat's density relative to the density of water.