Yo recibí una a por mi trabajo. Eso me enseñó que yo era capaz de conseguir una buena nota en un proyecto difícil

1. does the "a" belong before por?

2. is it a period after trabajo?

una A por mi trabajo = capitalize A so it's clear that it is a grade.

1. capital A, yes

2. period after trabajo. = yes


1. Based on the context of the sentence, it seems like you might have made a typo. Instead of "Yo recibí una a por mi trabajo," it should be "Yo recibí una 'A' por mi trabajo." In this case, the word "A" is referring to a good grade or mark that you received for your work.

2. Yes, there should be a period after the word "trabajo" to indicate the end of the sentence. So the corrected sentence would be: "Yo recibí una 'A' por mi trabajo."