Which countries did Simon Bolivar help to gain independence from Spain?

(Select all that apply.)







Simon Bolívar liberated all but Haiti and Mexico. It was Haiti However, who gave the help and resources that freed these countries! Venezuela’s Flag was created and flown in Haiti first.

What countries were liberated by Simon Bolivar?

3.1 Venezuela and New Granada (1807–1821) 3.1.1 Prelude, 1807–1810. 3.1.2 First Republic of Venezuela, 1811–12. 3.1.3 Second Republic of Venezuela, 1813–14. ...
3.2 Ecuador and Peru, 1822–1825.
3.3 Consolidation of the independence, 1825–1830. 3.3.1 The Republic of Bolivia. 3.3.2 Struggles inside Gran Colombia.

Am I wrong?

not Haiti or Mexico

add Bolivia (named after him), Columbia

As Bob points out it is confusing because for example he considered Columbia, Venezuela, and Ecuador one unit.

so then its only those three because their the only options they give me

Yup, Like Damon said, exchange Mexico and Haiti for Bolivia and Columbia and you've got the correct answers.