Read the sentence.

Nicholas Copernicus is best known for publishing works on his deathbed that discussed __________.
Which most accurately completes the sentence?

heliocentric theory and planetary orbits, including the orbit of the earth moon

string theory, which is cosmological theory based on cosmic strings

the law of motion, including the universal law of gravitation

geocentric theory and Ptolemaic system explaining the universe


thank u

The correct completion of the sentence is "heliocentric theory and planetary orbits, including the orbit of the earth moon."

To find the correct completion of the sentence, we can break down the options and eliminate the ones that are not relevant.

A. "heliocentric theory and planetary orbits, including the orbit of the earth moon"
-Heliocentric theory is the theory that the sun is at the center of the solar system, and this aligns with Copernicus' contributions.
-Planetary orbits and the Earth-Moon orbit are also relevant to Copernicus' works.
Hence, this option seems to be a plausible completion of the sentence.

B. "string theory, which is a cosmological theory based on cosmic strings"
-While string theory is a valid cosmological theory, it is not associated with Copernicus' works.
-There is no indication that Copernicus discussed string theory.
So, this option is not a suitable completion of the sentence.

C. "the law of motion, including the universal law of gravitation"
-Although this answer mentions significant scientific theories, it is not directly related to Copernicus' works.
-His publications primarily focused on astronomy and the organization of the solar system, rather than the laws of motion.
Therefore, this option is not the most accurate completion of the sentence.

D. "geocentric theory and Ptolemaic system explaining the universe"
-This option is the opposite of what Copernicus is known for.
-Copernicus challenged the geocentric theory and Ptolemaic system by introducing the heliocentric theory.
So, this option is not the correct completion of the sentence.

Based on the analysis, the most accurate completion of the sentence is option A: "Nicholas Copernicus is best known for publishing works on his deathbed that discussed heliocentric theory and planetary orbits, including the orbit of the earth moon."

Now you are striking close to home.

In short, very short, yes.
.... but really it is a long , long story.