Which of these correctly compares the masses of different objects in the universe? *

A A moon has less mass than a star and more mass than the planet it orbits.

B A planet has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than the star it orbits.

C A galaxy has less mass than a moon and more mass than a planet.

D A star has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than a planet.

i literally need help like

Now read those carefully, maybe even sketch a picture, and try to answer but when you do tell me why you decided it was which.

Thank you sweetness, how would you like plane tickets to LA for you and your family to be on my premier show?

Very funny but please try to answer the question. Only one answer makes any sense. You do not need to know astronomy. Just draw a picture.

lol thanxxx

your all wrong its a

To compare the masses of different objects in the universe, we can use our knowledge of the size and composition of these objects.

Let's analyze the options:

A) A moon has less mass than a star and more mass than the planet it orbits.
The moon, being a natural satellite, is generally much smaller than both stars and the planets they orbit. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.

B) A planet has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than the star it orbits.
In general, a planet is much smaller and less massive than galaxies, which can contain billions or even trillions of stars. Stars are relatively more massive than planets. Therefore, this statement is correct.

C) A galaxy has less mass than a moon and more mass than a planet.
A galaxy is enormous and consists of billions or even trillions of stars, along with other celestial matter. In contrast, a moon is a natural satellite and significantly smaller than galaxies. Similarly, a planet is smaller than a galaxy but larger than a moon. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.

D) A star has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than a planet.
As mentioned earlier, stars are generally more massive than individual planets. However, galaxies contain billions or even trillions of stars and are vastly larger and more massive. Therefore, this statement is correct.

Based on the above analysis, option D is the correct answer. A star has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than a planet.