These are my absolute last questions.

In which choice is the ellipses used correctly to revise the following sentence from Madame Bovary?

To spare him expense his mother sent him every week by the carrier a piece of veal baked in the oven, with which he lunched when he came back from the hospital, while he sat kicking his feet against the wall.
A) ...he lunched when he came back from the hospital...
B) To spare him expense...he sat kicking his feet against the wall.
C) His mother sent him every week by the carrier a piece of veal...
D) To spare him expense his mother sent him...veal baked in the oven.

In which sentence from "The Story of an Hour" are ellipses used correctly to omit information from the original passage below?

Some one was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.
A) ...opening the front door with a latchkey...
B) ...Brently Mallard...a little travel-stained...
C) Some one was opening the front was Brently Mallard.
D) Some one...Brently Mallard...carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.

I think the answers are a and b.

I disagree with both.

You want the choice for each to include the basic parts of the sentence, but omitting extra information.

And your choices need to read like a complete sentence.

Think carefully; read them aloud, more than once. Then decide.

After me taking your advice I am thinking it is c and a.

I still disagree. Remember ~~> complete sentences!

You've posted two wrong answers each, though, so there are only two left for each.

Please think and choose carefully, but don't post about this again.

It's C.

To determine whether the ellipses are used correctly to revise the sentence from "Madame Bovary," we need to understand the purpose of using ellipses. Ellipses are typically used to indicate omitted words or phrases in a quotation, often to condense the passage or remove unnecessary information.

Let's analyze each choice:

A) "...he lunched when he came back from the hospital..."
This choice includes the ellipses after "lunched." The purpose of the ellipses here could be to represent omitted words that aren't crucial to the meaning of the sentence.

B) "To spare him expense...he sat kicking his feet against the wall."
This choice includes the ellipses after "expense." The ellipses are correctly used here because they indicate that the sentence continues after the omitted phrase. The phrase "he sat kicking his feet against the wall" provides additional information about the subject.

C) "His mother sent him every week by the carrier a piece of veal..."
This choice includes the ellipses after "veal." The ellipses here don't accurately represent the omitted words or phrases since "every week by the carrier" is not omitted in the revised sentence.

D) "To spare him expense his mother sent him...veal baked in the oven."
This choice includes the ellipses before "veal." The ellipses don't accurately represent the omitted words or phrases since no crucial information is omitted before "veal baked in the oven."

Based on the analysis, choice B) "...To spare him expense...he sat kicking his feet against the wall" is the correct use of ellipses to revise the sentence from "Madame Bovary."

Now let's examine the correct use of ellipses in "The Story of an Hour":

A) "...opening the front door with a latchkey..."
In this choice, the ellipses are accurately used to represent omitted words or phrases that are not crucial to the sentence's meaning.

B) "...Brently Mallard...a little travel-stained..."
The ellipses in this choice adequately represent the omitted words or phrases that provide additional description about Brently Mallard's appearance.

C) "Some one was opening the front was Brently Mallard."
The ellipses in this choice indicate an omitted phrase but inaccurately represent the omitted information since the phrase "with a latchkey" is not involved.

D) "Some one...Brently Mallard...carrying his grip-sack and umbrella."
The ellipses in this choice accurately represent the omitted words or phrases, capturing the essential information about the person entering and what they are carrying.

Based on the analysis, the correct sentences with properly used ellipses in "The Story of an Hour" are choices A) "...opening the front door with a latchkey..." and D) "Some one...Brently Mallard...carrying his grip-sack and umbrella."

To summarize, the correct choices for the revision using ellipses in "Madame Bovary" are B) "...To spare him expense...he sat kicking his feet against the wall" and for "The Story of an Hour" are A) "...opening the front door with a latchkey..." and D) "Some one...Brently Mallard...carrying his grip-sack and umbrella."