

1. [-1/4]: This appears to be a notation for a fraction -1/4. To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator (-1) by the denominator (4). The simplified form of -1/4 is -0.25.

2. {7}: This appears to be a set with a single element, which is the number 7. In set notation, elements are enclosed in curly brackets {}. So, in this case, the set contains only the number 7.

3. [-22/7]: This looks like a fraction -22/7. To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator (-22) by the denominator (7). The simplified form of -22/7 is approximately -3.142857142857143.

4. [5/4]: It seems like there is a typo in the notation. If we assume it is a fraction 5/4, then we can simplify it by dividing the numerator (5) by the denominator (4). The simplified form of 5/4 is 1.25.

5. [[1/2]]: This notation is unclear and does not match any standard mathematical notation that I am aware of. It might be a typo or an incorrect writing. Please provide more information or clarify the notation for me to assist you further.