1.A football match between Senegal on Saturday the 22nd of September 1995 at 6pm calculate.1. the time. 2. Day to listen to the commentary's of the match by the Japanese

Was the match played in Senegal?

On Tuesday 31st October 2017 @ 5:24pm

all are correct

To calculate the time of the football match, we need to consider the given information:

1. The match took place on Saturday the 22nd of September, 1995.
2. The match started at 6pm.

To calculate the time:
1. Add the given time of 6pm to the date: 22nd September, 1995, 6pm.
2. If the time is provided in a different time zone, you may need to convert it to your local time zone.

To calculate the day to listen to the commentary's of the match by the Japanese:
1. Determine the time zone difference between your location and Japan.
2. Find out when the commentary will be broadcast in Japan.

Keep in mind that this information may not be readily available and could be further searched on sports websites, news platforms, or by reaching out to television or radio broadcasters that cover sports events.