5. What was one reason for the formation of the democratic Republican Party?

A Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.
B Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton ***
C the alien and sedition acts outlined the need for a new political party
D the threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the federalists.

6. Why did Adams increase the size of the American navy?
A he wanted to prepare for all-out war on Britain
B he hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships ***
C he needed to use tax money to fund an increase in military spending
D Congress passed a law that required him to increase support for the Navy

7. Why did Congress decide the election of 1800? Select all that apply
A based on the outcome it was mandated by the US Constitution ***
B The popular vote was a time
C no candidate won the electoral vote ***
D not enough citizens voted to determine the outcome

8. Why did Jefferson Pursue a laissez-faire economic system in the United States?
A it was mandate following the Marbury V Madison Supreme Court ruling ***
B size of the federal government increases under free-market economy
C A free market economy was necessary for the purchase of the Louisiana territory
D implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government

9. What cause Napoleon decide to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States?
A it was too far away to govern effectively
B The Louisiana territory was no longer useful to him after slave revolt in Haiti
C he can no longer control Native Americans living in the territory ***
D he was about to lose it in award to Spain so we decided to sell it instead

10. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the non-intercourse act?
A to forbid the US from trading with Britain and France so the countries would recognize US trading rights
B to allow US merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France
C to limit the types of goods that US merchant could trade with Britain and France
D to allow US merchants to trade only with Britain and France not any other countries ***

*** = what I think the answer is

Reed that is no help

Corrected answers:

5. B Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.
6. B He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.
7. A Based on the outcome, it was mandated by the US Constitution and C no candidate won the electoral vote.
8. D Implementing a free market economy limits the role of the federal government.
9. B The Louisiana territory was no longer useful to him after a slave revolt in Haiti.
10. A To forbid the US from trading with Britain and France so the countries would recognize US trading rights.

For question 5, one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican Party was that Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the historical context of the time. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two prominent figures in the early years of the United States. They had different visions for the future of the country. Hamilton believed in a strong federal government, a centralized banking system, and an industrialized economy. Jefferson, on the other hand, favored a limited federal government, agrarianism, and states' rights.

Their differing views and policy disagreements led to the formation of political factions. Jefferson and his supporters formed what became known as the Democratic Republican Party. They opposed Hamilton's policies and advocated for a more decentralized federal government.

For question 6, Adams increased the size of the American navy because he hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the events of the time. During John Adams' presidency, tensions between the United States and France were high. The United States had been trading with both Britain and France, but both countries were involved in a war and were seizing American ships. This led to an undeclared naval conflict known as the Quasi-War.

To protect American interests and deter further attacks, Adams decided to increase the size of the American navy. By building up naval forces, he hoped to show strength and discourage French aggression against American ships.

For question 7, Congress decided the election of 1800 because based on the outcome, it was mandated by the US Constitution, and no candidate won the electoral vote.

To answer this question, you need to understand the process for electing the President of the United States. In the election of 1800, there was a tie in the electoral votes between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, who were both Democratic Republican candidates. This led to a deadlock in the electoral college.

According to the US Constitution, when no candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, the election is decided by the House of Representatives. In this case, Congress had to decide the election between Jefferson and Burr. Eventually, Jefferson was elected as the President, but this election led to the passage of the 12th Amendment, which clarified the procedures for electing the President and Vice President.

For question 8, Jefferson pursued a laissez-faire economic system in the United States because it was mandated following the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court ruling.

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the principles of laissez-faire economics and the Marbury v. Madison case. Laissez-faire means allowing the economy to operate without much government interference. Jefferson, as a Democratic Republican, believed in limited government involvement in the economy.

The Marbury v. Madison case was a landmark Supreme Court ruling in 1803. It established the principle of judicial review, giving the court the power to declare laws and acts of government unconstitutional. This ruling limited the power of the federal government. Jefferson, as President, embraced this principle and pursued a laissez-faire economic system to limit the role of the federal government in the economy, as he believed in a more hands-off approach.

For question 9, the cause of Napoleon selling the Louisiana territory to the United States was that he could no longer control Native Americans living in the territory.

To answer this question, you need to understand the historical context of the Louisiana Purchase. In the early 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte of France controlled the vast Louisiana territory, which stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

However, Napoleon was facing difficulties in maintaining control over the territory. Native American tribes, such as the Shawnee and the Sioux, were resisting French expansion and challenging French authority. Realizing the challenges of maintaining control over the territory and facing the possibility of losing it in a conflict with the Native Americans, Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States in 1803.

For question 10, the purpose of the Non-Intercourse Act was to allow US merchants to trade only with Britain and France, not any other countries.

To answer this question, you need to understand the context of the Non-Intercourse Act. This act was passed by the United States Congress in 1809 as a response to issues related to trade during Britain's and France's conflicts in Europe.

The act lifted the embargo that had been put in place by Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act, which had completely banned trade with foreign nations. The Non-Intercourse Act sought to reopen trade but only with Britain and France. The act aimed to pressure these countries into respecting American trading rights and to avoid becoming entangled in their conflicts.

You're wrong on 8, 9 and 10. 5, 6, and 7 are correct.