Justin draws a square with an area of 150 square centimeters. What is the approximate length, in centimeters, of one side of the square?

A. 2cm
B. 11cm
C. 12cm
D. 13cm

I chose C

I'll be very thankful if you answer this

You're right, it's c

is it b or c please help or even better all the answers to the unit test :)

its C- 12cm. I just took the test real numbers and the coordinates plane until test part 1,

@XD you bold fam lol

its c.... : /

so is it B or C

work the promblem out and tell us

@trxpple.a -insta do u have the rest of the answers?

To find the approximate length of one side of the square with an area of 150 square centimeters, we need to find the square root of 150. The square root will give us the length of one side.

We can use a calculator or estimation to find the approximate square root of 150.

Using a calculator:

By entering the value 150 and finding the square root, we get the result of approximately 12.25.

Using estimation:

We can find the two perfect square numbers that 150 is between. The perfect square numbers that surround 150 are 121 (11^2) and 169 (13^2).

Since 150 is closer to 121 than it is to 169, we can estimate that the square root of 150 is closer to 11 than it is to 13.

Therefore, the approximate length of one side of the square is 11 centimeters.

Option B, 11cm, is the correct answer.

No it's B