How did Europeans' views of the universe as a large machine change how people viewed government?

A.The two ideas were not connected by Europeans during the Scientific Revolution.
B.People believed that government also operated like a machine and that individuals only needed reason to determine how to govern themselves.
C.People believed that government also operated like a machine, and mechanics could determine how to fix government.
D.People believed if they could determine how the universe operated, they could apply the same laws to government.


Yes, the correct answer is D.

thank u

It's not D.

its not D

B.) People believed that government also operated like a machine, and that individuals only needed reason to determine how to govern themselves.

Yes, you are correct. The answer is D. People believed that if they could determine how the universe operated, they could apply the same laws to government.

During the Scientific Revolution in Europe, there was a shift in the way people viewed the universe. With the advancements in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, there was a growing belief that the universe operated according to predictable laws and mechanisms, much like a large machine. This new understanding of the universe as a complex and ordered system had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including how people viewed government.

Many intellectuals and philosophers of the time began to apply the principles of natural science to human society and government. They believed that just as the laws of physics could be discovered and understood, the laws of government and social order could also be uncovered and applied through reason and observation. This led to the development of political theories such as social contract theory, where the purpose of government was seen as preserving the natural rights and well-being of individuals, similar to how the laws of the universe governed the natural world.

So, by viewing the universe as a large machine with predictable laws, Europeans came to believe that the same principles could be applied to determine how government should operate and be organized. This influenced the development of democratic principles and the idea that government should be based on reason and the will of the people.