So, the question is, what environmental pressures from the past were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today??

Oddly, for this, my teacher only gave us one link, and i've gone over it a number of times, and haven't found where it talks about this.... does anyone here have any ideas of what this could be.. Not a answer, just some facts, or ideas I could go off off, and research!! Thanks!!

To explore the question about the environmental pressures that have shaped the human species, you can consider several key factors that have played significant roles in human evolution. Here are a few ideas to get you started on your research:

1. Climate Change: Throughout history, fluctuations in global climate have had a profound impact on human evolution. For example, during the Ice Ages, our ancestors faced extreme cold and limited resources, which likely affected their adaptations, behaviors, and migration patterns.

2. Food Availability and Diet: The transition from foraging to agriculture revolutionized human societies. Understanding how early humans adapted to changing food sources, such as the development of tools and technologies for hunting and gathering, can shed light on the environmental pressures that influenced our species.

3. Natural Hazards and Environmental Challenges: Humans have encountered a variety of environmental challenges that have influenced their survival and evolution. From natural disasters like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to the spread of diseases, studying these events can provide insights into how our species has adapted over time.

4. Competition and Cooperation: Social dynamics, including competition and cooperation among humans or with other species, have heavily influenced our evolution. Investigating the impacts of competition for resources or cooperation in group hunting and community-building can reveal important environmental pressures that shaped our species.

When conducting research, don't limit yourself to just one source. Look for a wide range of scholarly articles, academic databases, and books that discuss human evolution and environmental influences throughout history. Also, consult reputable scientific organizations, such as the Smithsonian's Human Origins Program or the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, for well-supported information on this topic.

Ice age impact on humans