you earn 10 points for every coin you collect in a video game. Then you find a start that triples your score.

Write an expression for the number of points you earn from the coins

To write an expression for the number of points you earn from the coins, we can start by considering the number of coins you collect in the video game. Let's call this number "c".

Since you earn 10 points for every coin you collect, the number of points you earn based on the number of coins can be expressed as 10 * c.

But in addition to earning 10 points per coin, you also find a star that triples your score. This means that the number of points you earn from the coins is multiplied by 3 after collecting the star.

Therefore, the expression for the number of points you earn from the coins, taking into account both the coins collected and the star, would be (10 * c) * 3, which simplifies to 30c.

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