For my nhd project my topic is The Pearl Harbor Bombing how does this apply to Conflict and Compromise?

P.S. I cannot use wikipedia so help!

The conflict is obvious. The compromise is not.

You'll find a lot of information in these sites.

I was present at the time (first grade at Punahou school). I remember conflict but no compromise. The Japanese attacked our ships and airports from the air from aircraft carriers north of the island. Everyone who could got their ships and planes underway and people like my mother and I retreated to houses of friends in the mountains while the men ran to their ships. It was months before we got back at them at Coral Sea and Midway.

thank you

The Pearl Harbor Bombing is a significant event in history that certainly has connections to the theme of Conflict and Compromise. To understand how it applies to this topic, here's a step-by-step guide on researching and analyzing the historical event:

1. Start by understanding the context: Begin by researching the events leading up to the Pearl Harbor Bombing. Look into the geopolitical tensions between the United States and Japan, specifically focusing on their conflicting interests and policies during that time.

2. Study the details of the attack: Dive deep into the specifics of the Pearl Harbor Bombing itself. Examine the reasons behind Japan's decision to launch the surprise attack and the objectives they hoped to achieve. Look into the initial military and political repercussions of the attack as well.

3. Analyze the immediate conflict: Explore the immediate aftermath of the bombing and the conflict that ensued between the United States and Japan. Investigate how this event influenced public sentiment, political decision-making, and military strategies in both countries.

4. Research long-term consequences: Assess the long-term consequences and compromises that resulted from the Pearl Harbor Bombing. Examine the diplomatic, economic, and military impact it had on both nations involved. Evaluate the role of the United States' entry into World War II as a response to the attack.

5. Consider perspectives and compromises: Analyze different perspectives and reactions to the event. Look at how the Pearl Harbor Bombing affected international relationships, particularly between the United States and Japan. Identify instances where compromise was sought, negotiated, or achieved, either during or after the conflict.

6. Explore historical interpretations: Look for primary and secondary sources that provide different interpretations and analyses of the Pearl Harbor Bombing. Compare and contrast these perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of the event.

7. Connect to the theme of Conflict and Compromise: Finally, link the information you have gathered about the Pearl Harbor Bombing to the theme of Conflict and Compromise. Examine how the event exemplifies both aspects, considering the initial confrontation, the subsequent conflict, and any attempts made to find negotiated solutions or restore peaceful relations.

By undertaking this research process, you will gain a deep understanding of the Pearl Harbor Bombing and be able to explain its relevance to the theme of Conflict and Compromise in your National History Day project. Remember to use a variety of credible sources beyond Wikipedia to ensure a thorough exploration of the topic. Good luck!