Which ordered pair is a solution to the equation y = 13 ‒ x?

Ok then...Does anyone volunteer to double check my Idea on question 4 that the answer is C?

The one where x+y = 13

To find the ordered pair that is a solution to the equation y = 13 - x, we need to substitute values for x and solve for y.

Let's choose an arbitrary value for x and find the corresponding y.

Let's say x = 5.

Substituting x = 5 into the equation, we have:
y = 13 - 5
y = 8

Therefore, the ordered pair (5, 8) is a solution to the equation y = 13 - x.

To find the ordered pair that is a solution to the equation y = 13 - x, you need to substitute different values for x and determine their corresponding y-values.

Let's assume that x = 3. Plugging this value into the equation, we get:
y = 13 - 3
y = 10

Therefore, when x = 3, y = 10. Thus, (3, 10) is an ordered pair that satisfies the equation y = 13 - x.