How would the maximum and minimum values of a feasible region be found with a given function such as f(x,y)=-x+3y?

Because x and y are linear, the maximum in an allowed region will be the most minimum x and the maximum y.


To find the maximum and minimum values of a function within a feasible region, you need to perform an optimization process. The feasible region is determined by constraints or limitations on the variables x and y.

In this case, let's assume you have constraints in the form of linear inequalities, for example:

1. 2x + y ≤ 6
2. x - 2y ≥ -3
3. x ≥ 0
4. y ≥ 0

To find the maximum and minimum values of f(x, y) = -x + 3y within this feasible region, follow these steps:

Step 1: Solve the system of inequalities to find the feasible region.
- Graphically: Plot the equations on a graph and find the overlapping region of all the shaded areas.
- Algebraically: Solve the system of inequalities to find the values that satisfy all the constraints.

Step 2: Once you have identified the feasible region, evaluate the objective function at each extreme point (corners) of the feasible region. These extreme points are also known as vertices.

Step 3: Compare the values obtained in Step 2 to identify the maximum and minimum.

In this example, let's assume you found the following vertices as the corners of the feasible region: (0, 0), (0, 6), and (3, 0).

Evaluate f(x, y) = -x + 3y at each vertex:
- At (0,0): f(0, 0) = -(0) + 3(0) = 0
- At (0,6): f(0, 6) = -(0) + 3(6) = 18
- At (3,0): f(3, 0) = -(3) + 3(0) = -3

Therefore, the minimum value of f(x, y) within the feasible region is -3, and the maximum value is 18.

By following these steps, you can determine the maximum and minimum values of a given function within a feasible region.