a carrier is a person who has

a job or profession that involves transporting goods or passengers by land, sea, or air. Carriers can work in various industries, such as logistics, shipping, aviation, or public transportation. They are responsible for ensuring that the cargo or passengers are safely and efficiently transported from one location to another. Depending on the type of carrier, they may operate different vehicles or vessels, such as trucks, ships, airplanes, or trains. Carriers can be employed by transportation companies, airlines, shipping lines, or government agencies.

a career in a specific field or profession. To find out more about what kind of person a carrier is, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the specific field or profession in question. For example, a carrier could refer to someone in the transportation industry, healthcare, communications, or any other sector.

2. Research the requirements and characteristics typically associated with that particular field or profession. Look for information on the skills, education, training, certifications, or experience necessary to pursue a career in that area.

3. Consider the typical responsibilities and roles associated with the field. A carrier in transportation, for instance, could be someone who transports goods or people using various modes of transportation, such as a truck driver, pilot, or ship captain. In healthcare, a carrier might refer to a healthcare professional who carries out medical procedures or delivers services.

4. Explore the different career paths and job opportunities available within that field. This will help you understand the various roles that individuals can hold and the potential for career growth.

5. Speak with individuals who are already established in the industry or profession to gain insights about what it means to be a carrier in that particular field. Seek out networking opportunities, attend industry events, or connect with professionals through online platforms such as LinkedIn.

Remember, the term "carrier" can have different meanings depending on the context, so it's essential to specify the field or profession you are referring to in order to get a more accurate understanding.

I guess you mean medicine maybe.

A disease carrier is someone who carries the bug, transmitting it to others, usually without showing symptoms. Google typhoid Mary