(The sign "*" means that's my answer I chose for the question)

Part A What is the basic independent unit of world politics?

a) country
b) province
c) nation*
d) organization

Part B Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question?

a) people who share a common language
b) people who choose to live near each other
c) people who share the same political values*
d) people who live together under a sovereign government

2. Which of the following sentences best describes the role of the United Nations in world affairs?

a) It ensures that everyone follows treaties
b) It maintains good relations and keeps discussions open
c) It mediates conflicts and supports international projects
d) It provides a common defence against large aggressive nations*

3. Which of the following governments has unlimited power?

a) unitary presidency*
b) socialist oligarchy
c) parliamentary system
d) constitutional monarchy

4. Which of the following is an example of civic, rather than private, life?

a) working
b) volunteering*
c) taking classes
d) meeting with friends

5. Which of the following Americans values was expressed by Lincoln in this excerpt?

"Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not that we be not judged."

a) free speech
b) self-reliance
c) religious freedom*
d) limited government

6. How is the government of Britain unlike that of the United States?

a) The British government is bound by the rule of law
b) The British federal government has power over the states*
c) The leader of Britain is chosen by the legislature
d) The British constitution includes a list of individual rights

7. Which of the following rights are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.( 2 answers)

a) voting*
b) free speech
c) trial by jury*
d) running for office

8. What is a disadvantage of the checks and balances system?

a) It places too much power in the judicial branch
b) It can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes*
c) It can force the president to obey a law that the president feels is unjust
d) It removes power from the House, and therefore from the majority of citizens.

B 1, 2, 6, 7 (1 is right) are wrong.

To answer the questions:

Part A: The basic independent unit of world politics is a nation. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what is meant by the term "basic independent unit." In world politics, a nation refers to a group of people who share a common culture, language, history, and political values, and they have the ability to govern themselves independently. Therefore, the correct answer is C) nation.

Part B: An example of the basic unit mentioned in the previous question would be people who live together under a sovereign government. This choice aligns with the definition of a nation, as a nation consists of people who reside within a specific territory and are governed by a sovereign government. Therefore, the correct answer is D) people who live together under a sovereign government.

2. The United Nations plays a role in maintaining good relations, mediating conflicts, and supporting international projects. To determine the best answer, we need to consider the primary functions and goals of the United Nations. While it does work to ensure that countries follow treaties, its main purpose is to provide a platform for international dialogue, cooperation, and peacekeeping. Therefore, the most accurate answer is B) It maintains good relations and keeps discussions open.

3. A unitary presidency government has unlimited power. To determine the correct answer, we need to examine the characteristics and powers of different governmental systems. In a unitary presidency government, power is concentrated in the hands of a single executive, typically a president. This system does not have significant checks and balances and often grants the president extensive authority. Therefore, the correct answer is A) unitary presidency.

4. Volunteering is an example of civic, rather than private, life. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the distinction between civic and private life. Civic life refers to activities that involve participation in public affairs or benefitting the community as a whole. Volunteering, by definition, involves dedicating one's time and effort to benefit others or a larger cause. Therefore, the correct answer is B) volunteering.

5. The American value expressed by Lincoln in the given excerpt is religious freedom. To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the context and content of Lincoln's words. In the excerpt, Lincoln mentions that both sides of the conflict pray to the same God and invoke His aid against each other. He criticizes the notion that men can ask for God's assistance in exploiting the labor of others. This highlights the importance of religious freedom, as Lincoln suggests that both sides are invoking the same God but have different interpretations and actions. Therefore, the correct answer is C) religious freedom.

6. The government of Britain is unlike that of the United States because the British federal government has power over the states. To determine the correct answer, we need to compare the governmental systems of the two countries. Unlike the United States, which has a federal system with power distributed between the national government and individual states, Britain operates as a unitary state where power is primarily held by the central government in London. Therefore, the correct answer is B) The British federal government has power over the states.

7. The rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are voting and trial by jury. To determine the correct answers, we need to consider the content of the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Two rights explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights are the right to vote (Amendment XV) and the right to trial by jury (Amendment VI). Therefore, the correct answers are A) voting and C) trial by jury.

8. A disadvantage of the checks and balances system is that it can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes. To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the potential drawbacks of the system. While checks and balances prevent the concentration of power and protect against abuses, they can also lead to gridlock and hinder swift decision-making and policy implementation. Therefore, the correct answer is B) It can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes.