My teacher said I have this backwards,

Here is the question: Formulate the recursive formula for the following geometric sequence.
{-16, 4, -1, ...}

And here is my answer:
A(n+1) = A(n) * -1/4
An+1 = An * r
An+1 = An * (-1/4)
Please correct it

nope. you are quite correct!

Maybe she wants it as

An = An-1 * -1/4
An+1 = An/4

For the first?

To formulate the recursive formula for a geometric sequence, you need to identify the common ratio (r) between consecutive terms in the sequence. In this case, the common ratio is -1/4, as each term is multiplied by -1/4 to get the next term.

Now, let's proceed with correcting your answer:

The correct recursive formula for the given geometric sequence is:
A(n+1) = A(n) * (-1/4)

Here's how you can arrive at this formula:

1. Identify the first term: The given sequence starts with -16, so A(1) = -16.

2. Identify the common ratio: By observing the sequence, we can see that each term is multiplied by -1/4 to get the next term. Therefore, the common ratio is -1/4.

3. Write the recursive formula: The recursive formula for a geometric sequence is of the form An+1 = An * r, where An represents the nth term and r represents the common ratio.

Applying this formula to our sequence, we get:
A(n+1) = A(n) * (-1/4)

So, the correct recursive formula for the given geometric sequence {-16, 4, -1, ...} is A(n+1) = A(n) * (-1/4).