im sorry to ask again for help but i am still struggling with my re poster.

are there any sites i can go on that shows me any examples.
i just don`t know what to put on the poster. should i put buildings or animals. its got to be palestine in jesus` life so does that mean to pick a moment in his life and put that on the poster. i need help and im just worried about it because i don`t know what to do.

Use the search box at the right and enter palestine jesus life and check out the search results.

Further posts on this topic will be removed.

I agree. Stop procrastinating.

One note on the assignment. As a Sunday School teacher, I teach that Jesus lives today (the scripture tells us where). I always find it amusing to hear of "Jesus' time", as if he were dead. Why do we celebrate Easter, but then the rest of the year think of Jesus' life 2000 years ago?
Ask your teacher about this. If I were doing a poster, I would show something in the present day, like at school, or at the mall, or the hospital, or at home.
Good luck.

I just wanted say a big thankyou to everyone who was kind enough to help me.

you guys are life savers !
happy new year every one

Happy New Year to you, too!

Go get A's!!


Don't worry, I'm here to help! Creating a poster can be a fun and creative process. To get ideas and inspiration for your re poster, you can try the following:

1. Research online: Look for images of Palestine during the time of Jesus' life. You can search for keywords like "ancient Palestine," "Biblical Palestine," or "Jesus' time in Palestine." This will give you an idea of the landscapes, architecture, and nature that existed during that period.

2. Visit local libraries or bookstores: Look for books, encyclopedias, or historical books about biblical times or the life of Jesus that feature illustrations or photographs of Palestine. These resources can give you a visual understanding of the surroundings during that era.

3. Consult with your teacher or instructor: Reach out to your teacher and ask for guidance or suggestions. They will likely have resources or ideas to share with you based on the specific requirements of the project.

Once you have gathered some visual references, consider the following when deciding what to include on your poster:

1. Relevant moments: Choose a significant event or moment in Jesus' life that took place in Palestine. This could be the Nativity scene, Jesus preaching on a mountainside, or any other notable event during his time in Palestine. Make sure it aligns with the theme and purpose of your re poster.

2. Symbolism: Incorporate symbolic elements related to Jesus or his teachings. This could include a cross, a dove representing peace, a crown of thorns, or any other symbol that holds meaning within the context of Jesus' life.

3. Visual appeal: Create a visually appealing composition by balancing colors, shapes, and images. Consider using vibrant colors or incorporating textures or patterns that evoke the atmosphere of ancient Palestine.

Remember, a poster is a visual representation that aims to catch viewers' attention and convey a message. Be creative and let your imagination guide you. Good luck with your re poster!