i need to design and create a tourist poster for palestines in jesus`s time.

im having problems with it because i have googled it and it shows a poster with a black tree on the left hand side and buildings in the middle of the poster.
im a bit confused i don't know if to put buildings in the poster or not to and to put jesus on the poster.


That depends upon the tree and the buildings. If they were there in Jesus' time, of course they could be there. It is not necessary for Jesus himself to be there, because it is simply in h is time.


Designing a tourist poster for Palestine during Jesus's time can be an exciting project. To help you, I'll guide you through the design process and provide some suggestions.

1. Research: Start by conducting thorough research on Palestine during the time of Jesus. Dig into historical references, archaeological discoveries, and religious texts to gain a deeper understanding of the period. This will help you create an authentic and accurate poster.

2. Determine the theme: Decide on the primary theme of your poster. You could focus on religious sites, cultural activities, historical landmarks, or a combination of these elements. Consider how you want to portray the essence of the time while also attracting modern-day tourists.

3. Composition: Consider the visual layout and composition of your poster. Assess various design elements such as color schemes, typography, images, and symbols. Determine whether you want to utilize a minimalist or elaborate approach, depending on the overall look and feel you wish to achieve.

4. Buildings: Including buildings in the poster can help establish a sense of place and historical context. Choose iconic or significant structures that were present during Jesus's time, like the Second Temple in Jerusalem or structures representative of the architectural style of that era.

5. Tree symbolism: The black tree you found in your online search might be a symbol associated with Palestine or specific to Jesus's time. Research its significance and decide if it aligns with your poster's intent. You may choose to incorporate it, modify it, or come up with a different symbol that resonates with the time period.

6. Incorporating Jesus: Including Jesus on the poster is a subjective decision based on the emphasis you want to place. While Jesus is undoubtedly a significant figure from that time, consider whether his presence is central to the message you want to convey. You can include references to his life or focus on the broader historical and cultural aspects of Palestine during that period.

7. Design elements: Explore various design elements to enhance the visual appeal and evoke the essence of Jesus's time in Palestine. This can include incorporating ancient motifs, textured backgrounds, calligraphy, or other cultural symbols prevalent during that era.

8. Mock-up and feedback: Once you have a rough design, create a mock-up of the poster. Share it with a small group of people or fellow designers to gather feedback and suggestions. Consider their input, but ultimately make decisions based on your vision and objectives for the poster.

Remember, the main goal of a tourist poster is to attract attention, create interest, and convey the essence of the destination. By researching, considering design elements, and reflecting on your intended message, you can create a captivating and informative poster for Palestine during Jesus's time.