You are given the melting points of three unknown substances and are asked to predict which one is an ionic compound. You would select the compound with the ---------- meting point.

My answer is highest

looks good

Your answer is correct. In general, ionic compounds tend to have higher melting points compared to covalent compounds. Ionic compounds are made up of positively and negatively charged ions that are held together by strong electrostatic forces, called ionic bonds. These bonds are typically stronger than the covalent bonds found in covalent compounds, resulting in higher melting points for ionic compounds. Therefore, among the given substances, the one with the highest melting point is more likely to be an ionic compound.

To predict which substance is an ionic compound based on their melting points, you would select the substance with the highest melting point. Ionic compounds typically have high melting points compared to covalent compounds.

To determine the melting point of a substance, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather information: You mentioned that you have the melting points of the three unknown substances.
2. Research: Look for data or resources that provide the typical melting points of different compounds. This can be found in scientific databases or reference books.
3. Compare the values: Compare the melting points of the three substances you have. Identify the substance with the highest melting point.
4. Analyze and predict: Based on the knowledge that ionic compounds tend to have higher melting points than covalent compounds, you can predict that the substance with the highest melting point is likely an ionic compound.

Remember that this prediction is not definitive proof of an ionic compound, but it provides a reasonable indication. Other properties and tests may be needed to confirm the classification of the substance.

Idont know