[With some straws, she is making a musical pipe.]

1. When you blow across the top of "a)the straw", the air vibrates inside "b)the straw" and makes a sound.
a)the straw b)the straw
Are they the specific straw or in generic use?

When "c)the straw" is shorter, the air loses less energy and vibrates faster.
Does "c)the straw" mean the specific straw or is it in generic use?

Again, these uses of "the straw" are referring to a particular straw.

In this context, both "a) the straw" and "b) the straw" are referring to a generic straw. It means that any straw can be used to create a musical pipe. So, when you blow across the top of a straw, the air inside the straw vibrates and produces sound.

Similarly, "c) the straw" also refers to a generic straw. It means that when the length of any straw is shorter, less energy is lost and the air vibrates at a faster rate, resulting in a higher-pitched sound.