In which of these processes is an element of matter changes into a completely different element.....nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, neither, or both?

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Nuclear Fusion

In the process of nuclear fusion, elements of matter can change into completely different elements. During nuclear fusion, the nuclei of two lighter elements combine to form a heavier element. This is a common process that happens in stars, where hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium.

On the other hand, in the process of nuclear fission, a heavy nucleus is split into two or more lighter nuclei. This process does not involve the formation of completely different elements but rather the division of a single element into smaller fragments.

The process in which an element of matter changes into a completely different element is called nuclear transmutation, and it occurs in both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

In nuclear fusion, two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. This process is responsible for the energy produced by the sun, where hydrogen nuclei (protons) combine to form helium. The fusion of different elements can also occur in stars and during the operation of a hydrogen bomb.

In nuclear fission, a heavy atomic nucleus, such as uranium or plutonium, splits into two or more smaller nuclei. This process is used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs. During fission, the total mass of the products is always less than the original mass, and the missing mass is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².

Therefore, both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission involve the transformation of elements and can lead to the production of completely different elements.