(-3)^3 - (-8)(-2)

27 - -16 =11 correct


= (-27)-(+16)
= -11

-27 - 16 = - 43

ok...so whick is it?

-11 or -43

my money is on Damon

so you are saying the correct answer is -43

Deb. Yes, of course Damon is right. The sum of two negative number is negative of magnitude greater (more negative) than either.

ok..so to show my work this is what i get

= (-27)-(-16)
= -43

no Deb,

the (-8)(-2) part equals +16 so

= -27 - (+16)
= -27 - 16
= -43

To solve the expression (-3)^3 - (-8)(-2), follow the order of operations, which is often referred to as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction) or BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division and Multiplication, and Addition and Subtraction):

1. Start by simplifying the exponent first. (-3)^3 means raising -3 to the power of 3. Since the exponent is odd, the result will keep the negative sign. Therefore, (-3)^3 equals -27.

2. Next, calculate the multiplication. (-8)(-2) means multiplying -8 by -2. When you multiply two negative numbers, the result becomes positive. So, (-8)(-2) equals 16.

3. Finally, subtract the second calculation from the first. -27 - 16 equals -11.

So, the correct solution to the expression (-3)^3 - (-8)(-2) is -11.