1. A clever animal is made use of by people.

2. The clever animal is made use of by people.

3. Clever animals are made use of by people.
Thank you for your help. I made three sentences using the sturctures A + noun, The + noun, and a plural noun.

Are the subjects in the sentences all in generic use?

These sentences would be better if they were active instead of passive!

1 and 3 seem generic to me, but 2 seems to be referring to a particular animal.

Thank you.

You’re welcome!

Yes, the subjects in all three sentences are used in a generic sense. In sentence 1, "A clever animal" is a generic reference to any clever animal that is used by people. In sentence 2, "The clever animal" implies that there is a specific clever animal being referred to, but it is still used in a general sense to represent any clever animal. In sentence 3, "Clever animals" is a plural form, indicating that multiple clever animals are being referred to in a generic manner.