The distance between two piers is S miles. Two boats started moving simultaneously at speeds R1 and R2. How can you find the distance D between them if they moved for T hours towards each other from the two piers

their combined speed is R1+R2

Since distance = speed * time, we have

D(T) = S-T(R1+R2)

extra credit: what is the domain of the function D(T), assuming that time stops when they meet?

To find the distance D between the boats after they have moved for T hours towards each other, you can use the formula:

D = S - (R1 * T) - (R2 * T)

This formula takes into account the distance between the piers (S), the speeds of the two boats (R1 and R2), and the time (T) for which they have been moving towards each other.

To calculate the distance between them, subtract the distances covered by each boat from the initial distance between the piers (S). Multiply the speed of each boat with the time (T) to find out how far each boat has traveled, and subtract these values from the initial distance between the piers (S).

To find the distance D between the two boats after they have been moving towards each other for T hours, you can use the formula: D = (R1 * T) + (R2 * T).

Here's how you can derive this formula:

1. First, calculate the total distance traveled by the first boat, which is given by the formula R1 * T. This represents how far the first boat would cover if it continued moving at its speed for T hours.

2. Similarly, calculate the total distance traveled by the second boat, which is given by the formula R2 * T.

3. Since the two boats are moving towards each other, the distance between them would be the sum of the distances they have traveled. Therefore, add the distances traveled by both boats: (R1 * T) + (R2 * T).

This gives you the distance D between the two boats after they have been moving towards each other for T hours.
