This is a two part question, make sure you answer both parts:

Flo Tilla is pedal boating on Lake Azui. She starts back toward the dock, which is 1000 yards away. She goes at a rate of 25 yards a minute toward the dock.

How far is Flo from the dock after 5 minutes?

ow long (in minutes)will it take for Flo make it back to the dock?

1000 - 5*25 = 875

875/25 = ?

35 ?

To answer the first part of the question, we need to find out how far Flo is from the dock after 5 minutes of pedal boating.

Since Flo travels at a rate of 25 yards per minute, we can use the formula: distance = rate × time.

After 5 minutes, Flo would have traveled a distance of 25 yards/minute × 5 minutes = 125 yards. Therefore, Flo is 125 yards away from the dock after 5 minutes.

Now, let's move on to the second part of the question. We need to determine how long it will take for Flo to make it back to the dock, which is 1000 yards away.

Again, using the formula distance = rate × time, we can rearrange it to solve for time as follows: time = distance / rate.

In this case, the distance is 1000 yards, and the rate is 25 yards per minute. Plugging these values into the formula gives us: time = 1000 yards / (25 yards/minute) = 40 minutes.

Therefore, it will take Flo 40 minutes to make it back to the dock.