Which best describes how the Columbian Exchange impacted the Incan culture?

european powers introduced the potato to the Inca empire, and it became a primary food source

european infected the Inca population with syphilis, which Inca believed to be an act of god

european powers introduced whiskey to the Inca empire, resulting in rampant alcoholism

european powers infected the Inca population with smallpox, decimating the Inca population


Yes, d.

thank you.

The correct answer is D: European powers infected the Inca population with smallpox, decimating the Inca population. The Columbian Exchange, which refers to the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, had a significant impact on the Incan culture. The introduction of smallpox, along with other diseases brought by the Europeans, resulted in widespread illness and death within the Inca population. This epidemic, combined with other factors such as war and conquest, ultimately led to the collapse of the Inca Empire.

The correct answer is: "European powers infected the Inca population with smallpox, decimating the Inca population."

To determine the best answer, you need to understand the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the Incan culture. The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread exchange of goods, ideas, diseases, and people between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (Americas) following Christopher Columbus' voyages.

In the case of the Incan culture, one of the major impacts was the introduction of diseases, particularly smallpox. European explorers and settlers unintentionally brought diseases from Europe to the Americas, including smallpox, which the Native American populations had no immunity to. As a result, when smallpox was introduced to the Incan population, it spread rapidly and led to a massive decline in the Inca population.

Therefore, option "d" is the best choice, as it accurately reflects the devastating impact of smallpox on the Inca population, leading to a significant decline in their culture.