Each week Rosa receives a salary of $200 plus a 6 percent commission on her total sales. To the nearest dollar, how much would Rosa have to sell in one week to earn a total of $300

Each week Rosa receives a salary of $200 plus a 6 percent commission on her total sales. To the nearest dollar, how much would Rosa have to sell in one week to earn a total of $300

To determine how much Rosa would have to sell in one week to earn a total of $300, we need to find the amount of sales that would generate a commission of $100.

First, let's calculate the commission amount. The commission is 6% of the total sales, so we have:

6% of X = $100

To find X (the total sales), we can set up the equation:

0.06X = $100

Now, let's solve for X:

X = $100 / 0.06

X = $1666.67

To the nearest dollar, Rosa would have to sell approximately $1667 in one week to earn a total of $300.

To find out how much Rosa would have to sell in one week to earn a total of $300, we can use the formula:

Total Earnings = Base Salary + Commission

Given: Base Salary ($200), Total Earnings ($300), Commission Rate (6%)

Step 1: Calculate the commission amount:
Commission = Total Earnings - Base Salary
Commission = $300 - $200
Commission = $100

Step 2: Calculate the total sales:
Total Sales = Commission Amount / Commission Rate
Total Sales = $100 / 0.06

To the nearest dollar, divide $100 by 0.06 to find Rosa's total sales:
Total Sales = $1666.67

Therefore, Rosa would have to sell approximately $1667 worth of goods in one week to earn a total of $300.

Let her weekly sales be s

.06s + 200 = 300

solve for s