
I'm not asking for an answer I'm just asking how to do this.

I'm not asking for the answer I already submitted the thing but I just want to know how to do it for future purposes, Thank you and have a great day!

Forgot to add that It was asking me to graph it in a numberline.

split it into two parts:

1. 9-c < 2
-c < -7
c > 7


-3c > 15
c < -5

on your number line,
draw an open circle around -5 and sketch an arrow going to the left
draw an open circle around 7 and sketch an arrow going to the right

in other words, you want all numbers less than -5 OR all numbers greater than 7

Thank you very much! I finally understand now.

To solve the inequality 9 - c < 2 or -3c > 15, you have two separate inequalities that you need to solve. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Solve the first inequality, 9 - c < 2:
- Subtract 9 from both sides of the inequality: 9 - c - 9 < 2 - 9
- Simplify: -c < -7
- Multiply both sides by -1 (remember, when you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign flips): (-c)(-1) > (-7)(-1)
- Simplify: c > 7

2. Solve the second inequality, -3c > 15:
- Divide both sides of the inequality by -3 (since dividing by a negative number also flips the direction of the inequality sign): (-3c)/-3 < 15/-3
- Simplify: c < -5

So, the solution to the inequality 9 - c < 2 or -3c > 15 is c > 7 or c < -5.