I have a question on the republican principles applied by Jefferson and Madison during their presidencies.

Can someone help me out on what they mean by "republican principles"?


Here's an excellent definition of "republican principles" from the site linked below.

"In other words, republican principles can be said to be: principles incorporated into the workings of government which help guard against the excesses or tyranny of both the majority and minority factions; principles that promote the general welfare of the community as a whole by treating every person equally and guarding each individual persons rights."

(Broken Link Removed)

from http://www.answers.com/topic/republican

"(1) The belief that one's country ought to be a republic rather than a monarchy"

So then you must be clear on what a republic is.
See definitions 1a and 2a.

Let us know what you think.

I suggest you read about the "Principles of 1798" that are discussed at this web site:


Their presidencies came later, but those are probably the principles to which you refer.

So, Jefferson and Madison founded the Democratic- Republican party, and these are some of their principles?...

-Opposed federalissts
-Opposed Jay treaty
-Supported good relations with France
-Strict constitution
-Opposed hamiltons principles
-Favored low taxes, states rights, and reduced spending
-Opposed standing army or navy

Were the principles consistent during their presidencies?

You're partly right. Check these sites for details.



Sure! "Republican principles" refer to the core values and beliefs of the Republican Party during the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. These principles can be understood by examining their policies and actions while in power.

To better understand their Republican principles, you can start by reading primary sources such as their speeches, letters, and official documents from their presidencies. Some key documents to explore include Jefferson's First Inaugural Address and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions authored by Madison.

Next, pay attention to the actions and policies implemented during their administrations. For instance, Jefferson's presidency was characterized by a limited role for the federal government, strict interpretation of the Constitution, and the promotion of agrarianism and individual liberties. Madison, on the other hand, is associated with principles such as states' rights, strict construction of the Constitution, and the push for a stronger national defense during the War of 1812.

By studying these primary sources and reviewing the actions taken by Jefferson and Madison, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Republican principles they applied during their presidencies.