This is all new to me how would you classify the sentence:

Ouch! That bee sting hurts!



If it ends in an exclamation point it is an exclamation as a rule.

This should help. I taught Shurley English for years.

Declarative - A declarative sentence makes a statement. A declarative sentence ends with a period.

Example: The house will be built on a hill.

Interrogative - An interrogative sentence asks a question. An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark.

Example: How did you find the card?

Exclamatory - An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeling. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark.

Example: The monster is attacking!

Imperative - An imperative sentence gives a command.

Example: Cheryl, try the other door.

Sometimes the subject of an imperative sentence (you) is understood.

Example: Look in the closet. (You, look in the closet.)

Here is the examples of the sentence patterns you will use in Shurley English:

Pattern 1 Subject noun + Verb
The new bus arrived unusually late today.
Pattern 2 Subject noun + Verb + Direct Object
By midnight,the firefighters had contain the forest fire.

Pattern 3 Subject noun + Verb transtive + Indirect Object + Direct Object
The groomer from the Poodle Shop gave our poodle a shampoo and a bright pink bow.

Pattern 4 Subject noun + Linking Verb +Predicate noun
The spendthrift soon became a penny-pincher.

Pattern 5 Subject noun + Linking Verb + Predicate Adjective
The fire in our fireplace is warm and cozy.

Pattern 6 Subject noun + Verb transative + Direct Object + OCN
Marsha still calls Jason her cousin.

Pattern 7 Subject Noun + Verb transtative + Direct Object + PCA
Kristen always packs her suitcase full.

what is declartive sentences

A declaritive sentence is a sentice that ends with a period and is a statement.

How would you clasify

Ouch! that bee sting hurts!

AJ implied that he was mad at his teammates for not passing him the football

To classify a sentence, we need to determine its type or function within a sentence structure. In the case of the sentence "Ouch! That bee sting hurts!", it can be classified as an exclamatory sentence.

An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion or surprise. It often ends with an exclamation mark (!) to emphasize the strong feeling or reaction being conveyed.

To classify a sentence, you would need to analyze its structure, punctuation, and the purpose it serves in communication. In this case, identifying the presence of an exclamation mark and the context of expressing pain indicate that it is an exclamatory sentence.