What was one strength of the Articles of Confederation?

A it allowed states to make decisions for themselves
B it gave the federal government power to impose taxes
C it gave congress the authority to over turn decisions made by the president
D it provided congress with a means to regulate trade

1. a

2. cd
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. d
10. a
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The correct answer is A) It allowed states to make decisions for themselves.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the Articles of Confederation, which was the first constitution of the United States. The key feature of the Articles of Confederation was its emphasis on state sovereignty and limited federal power. Under this system, the states retained significant authority to govern themselves while the federal government had limited powers. This arrangement was intentional, as the framers of the Articles sought to prevent a strong central government that could potentially become authoritarian, which was one of the main concerns during the time of the American Revolution.

The Articles of Confederation allowed states to make their own decisions on various matters such as taxation, the regulation of trade, and the establishment of their own domestic policies. This decentralized approach was seen as a strength by those who supported the Articles, as it granted individual states the ability to govern themselves according to their own interests and needs. However, it also presented challenges, as the federal government lacked the necessary authority and resources to effectively govern and unite the states under a common framework.

In summary, one of the strengths of the Articles of Confederation was its allowance for states to make decisions for themselves, promoting the idea of state sovereignty.