choose at least two contributions of early cultures in the eastern or western hemisphere and explain how they have affected the development of new Mexico. MS.sue sue plz help.


So what is the answer then.

Certainly! The early cultures in the Eastern and Western Hemisphere have made significant contributions that have influenced the development of present-day New Mexico. Two noteworthy contributions are:

1. Agriculture and Irrigation Techniques:
Early cultures in both hemispheres developed advanced agricultural and irrigation techniques, which greatly impacted New Mexico's development. In the Eastern Hemisphere, civilizations such as the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians pioneered the practice of irrigation to cultivate crops in arid regions. They devised systems such as canals and reservoirs to efficiently manage water resources. In the Western Hemisphere, Native American cultures, particularly the Ancestral Puebloans, implemented similar practices. They constructed complex irrigation networks, including reservoirs, dams, and canals, to improve agricultural productivity in the arid Southwest region.

These agricultural and irrigation techniques introduced by early cultures brought substantial benefits to New Mexico. The ability to efficiently grow crops, including maize, beans, and squash, allowed for sedentary settlements and thriving communities. The surplus food production facilitated population growth and the emergence of complex social structures. Moreover, the knowledge of irrigation systems enabled the development of extensive agricultural terraces, like those at Chaco Canyon, contributing to the establishment of trade networks.

2. Architectural Styles and Construction Techniques:
Early cultures in both hemispheres also influenced the architectural styles and construction techniques observed in New Mexico. In the Eastern Hemisphere, ancient Greek and Roman civilizations developed innovative building methods and architectural elements such as the arch, vault, and dome. These techniques were further refined during the Byzantine and Islamic civilizations. The architectural influences from these cultures can be seen in the design of prominent structures such as churches, cathedrals, and government buildings.

In the Western Hemisphere, Native American cultures significantly impacted the architectural landscape of New Mexico. The Ancestral Puebloans constructed remarkable multi-story dwellings known as cliff dwellings or pueblos. These structures were often carved into cliffs or built using mud and stone. Their unique architectural style incorporated elements such as kivas (ceremonial underground chambers) and extensive complex layouts, like those found in the UNESCO World Heritage site, Taos Pueblo.

The architectural styles and construction techniques introduced by these early cultures have left a lasting impact on New Mexico. They not only shaped the distinctive adobe architecture frequently observed in traditional New Mexican buildings, but also influenced the region's cultural identity and heritage.

In conclusion, the contributions of early cultures in the Eastern and Western Hemisphere, particularly in agriculture and irrigation techniques as well as architectural styles and construction techniques, have significantly influenced the development of New Mexico.

Have you read your assigned reading? How did the Navajo influence New Mexico, for example?