I need an answer quick -

I have a research question to answer:

"Why is it that children of older parents (more than 40 years old) are better adjusted, have closer ties with their parents, and are more socially skilled when they enter school than children of younger parents (less than 40 years old)?"

I have to come up with numerical data. I'd like to do a survey. How would I split up the qualities of the child into a survey. What questions could I ask?

This may help you identify what to survey or discover. There are several articles about older parents.



Thank you!

I hope this helps.

Again, thank you so much

To gather numerical data for your research question, you can design a survey that includes specific questions targeting different aspects of the child's qualities. Here are some suggestions for questions you can include in your survey:

1. Demographic Information:
- Age of parents
- Age of child

2. Parent-Child Relationship and Adjustment:
- On a scale of 1-10, rate the quality of the parent-child relationship.
- How often do you engage in activities together as a family?
- How would you describe your child's overall adjustment?

3. Social Skills:
- On a scale of 1-10, rate your child's social skills.
- How often does your child engage in social interactions with peers?
- How comfortable is your child in social settings?

4. Parental Involvement:
- How often do you take an active role in your child's education?
- On a scale of 1-10, rate your level of involvement in your child's school activities.
- How frequently do you communicate with your child's teacher?

5. Emotional Bond:
- How would you describe the emotional bond between you and your child?
- How often do you express affection towards your child?
- How frequently do you engage in open and honest communication with your child?

These questions aim to assess the parent-child relationship, social skills, parental involvement, and emotional bond within the context of your research question. By using a Likert scale (e.g., 1-10 rating), you can assign numerical values to each response and analyze the data quantitatively.

Once you have gathered the data, you can compare the responses of parents aged over 40 with those under 40 to see if any significant differences emerge regarding the child's adjustment, social skills, and the parent-child relationship.