"A piece of coastal land, and the surrounding fishing areas, has been occupied by a fishing society for centuries. The society doesn't have a government, or acknowledge that any larger government rules over them."

Do political scientists consider the society described here to be a country??
A) Yes, because it includes a defined piece of land
B) No, because it does not have a organized government
C) No, because it mostly includes sea space instead of land
D) Yes, because the people have political sovereignty over the area***

I'm really confused on this... Wouldn't it be d??

the answers for unit 4 lesson 3 for connexus 8th grade:

1) b
2) c
3) a
4) b,c
100% if in connexus

hes right if anyone needs it in word form:

1. No, because it does not have an orgazined governement
2. to outline the powers of a federal gov
3.in a unitary system, all powers are held by one gov
4 the 3 branches can check and balance each other, powers not given to federal gov are given to the states

Idc lol is 100% correct thank you so much!!


is 100 percent correct i just took the quiz

ty @idc lol

If your doing Lesson 3 Unit 6 Civics, as of 2019 "idc lol" is correct.

I think its B actually, the government needs to be organized and it never said anything about the lands history

GYMNAST notwithstanding, your text materials (assigned reading) will define what its authors consider a "nation". I think there may be a better answer than "d", but double-check your text's definitions.

I can't think of any examples that fit your answer. What is considered a country that has no central government?

Yes, the correct answer would be D) Yes, because the people have political sovereignty over the area.

When determining whether a society is considered a country or not, political scientists generally look at certain criteria, including defined territory, permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. In this case, the coastal land and surrounding fishing areas can be considered a defined territory.

Although the society does not have a formally organized government, political scientists still consider it a country if the people have political sovereignty over the area. Political sovereignty means that the society has the right to govern itself independently without interference from external authorities. Therefore, even without a formal government, if the society exercises political sovereignty over the land and fishing areas, it would be considered a country.

It is important to note that not all countries have the same type of government, as political systems can vary. Some countries may have more decentralized forms of governance, which could include traditional or tribal societies that do not have a centralized government but still exercise political sovereignty over their territory.

Bro, i got a quiz yall doing the answers for quick checks :|