Write 17/4 as a mixed number. Explain your work

I'm stuck and could really use some help, this is what I got so far:

First I divided 17 by 4, 4 goes into 17 four times and has a remainder of 1.

What do I do after this can anyone help??

That's a good start.

17/4 = 4 and a fraction

17/4 = 4 1/4


You are on the right track. Because you know that 4 goes into 17 four times The four will be the whole number. The remainder of 1 will be divided by the original denominator which is 17.

So you end up with...

Plz help I'm stuck

i need help!!!

I don't get it


Of course, I can help you with that! After dividing 17 by 4 and getting a result of 4 with a remainder of 1, we can now express it as a mixed number.

To do this, we write the whole number part as the result of the division, which in this case is 4. Then, we write the remainder as a fraction, with the divisor (4) as the denominator. So the remainder of 1 becomes 1/4.

Combining the whole number and the fraction, we can express 17/4 as the mixed number 4 1/4.

So 17/4 can be written as the mixed number 4 1/4.

should have wrote 1/4 :c

what is 17 over 4 as a mixed number