Help me with my homework, please!

1. 5/6 x3

A. 8 1/3
B.10 5/6
C. 50/60
D. 5/60

2. 3/7 X 2/3

A. 9/14
B. 1 5/9
C. 2/7
D. 3/12

3. 5/8 X 2/3

A. 7/24
B. 5/12
C. 15/16
D. 16/15

4. 3 3/4 X 2 2/3

A. 6 1/2
B. 6 8/9
C. 8

5. 2 5/6 X 1 7/8

A. 2 35/48
B. 5 5/16
C. 5 35/48
D. 6 4/16

Giving you the answers is NOT helping you.

We'll be glad to check your work, though.

my answers


I have no clue if answers are right or not

They are all wrong.

Did you guess at these answers? Or don't you know how to multiply fractions?

Ms. Sue, this person needs answers. This is exactly why this site isn't popular because you aren't HELPING people out. Kats, go on brainly, people actually TELL YOU THE ANSWERS.

5. 2 5/6 X 1 7/8

A. 2 35/48
B. 5 5/16
C. 5 35/48
D. 6 4/16
look, these are really all the same
2 5/6 = (12+5)/6 = 17/6
1 7/8 = (8+7)/8 = 15/8
so product = (17*15)/(6*8) = (17*5)/(2*8)
= 5 5/16
Another way is using distributive property
(2 + 5/6) * (1 + 7/8)
= 2(1+7/8)+ 5/6 (1+7/8
= 2 + 14/8 + 5/6 + 35/48
= 3 + 6/8 + 5/6 + 35/48
= 3 + 36/48 + 40/48 + 35/48
= 3 + 111/48
= 3 + 2 + 15/48
= 5 + 5/16
= 5 5/16

Sure, I can help you with your homework! Let's start with the first problem, which is:

1. 5/6 x 3

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together, and then multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together. So, for this problem:

5/6 x 3 = (5 x 3) / (6 x 1) = 15/6.

To simplify this fraction, you divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 3 in this case:

15/6 = 5/2.

So, the answer is 5/2.

Looking at the answer choices:

A. 8 1/3: This is not the correct answer because it's a mixed number, not a fraction.
B. 10 5/6: This is not the correct answer because it's a mixed number, not a fraction.
C. 50/60: This is not the correct answer because it can still be simplified.
D. 5/60: This is not the correct answer because it's a fraction with a smaller numerator than the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer to the first problem is 5/2.

Now, you can apply the same steps to the rest of the problems, and I will guide you through them if needed.