Which best describes how the Age of Discovery affected religious practices of indigenous peoples in the New World?

spanish explorers set out to convert the Mayan empire in present-day Mexico to Islam

hernan Cortes set out to convert the Aztec empire to Calvinism

Francisco Pizarro set out to convert the Incan empire to Lutheranism

christian missionaries set out to convert the indigenous inhabitant of newly discovered lands


no, Then I think d

Yes, d.

thank u.

You're welcome.

The correct answer is option C: Christian missionaries set out to convert the indigenous inhabitants of newly discovered lands.

During the Age of Discovery, European explorers embarked on voyages to the New World, encountering indigenous peoples who practiced various religions. Religious conversions were a significant aspect of this period, and Christian missionaries from different denominations played a crucial role in this process.

Spanish explorers, such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, sought to convert the native empires they encountered to Christianity, but not specifically to Islam, Calvinism, or Lutheranism. Instead, they followed the Catholic doctrine of the time.

Therefore, option C is the most accurate as it reflects the main goal of Christian missionaries during the Age of Discovery.

Pizarro was a Lutheran? Are you sure?