What resulted from European explorers discovering new lands during the Age of Discovery?

the indigenous peoples of America transmitted smallpocks to European explorers

new foods and resources were brought back to European markets

europeans adopted American religions customs into Protestant Christianity

many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed

i think its b and c

It's b and d, I got it correct

B and D

B yes; C no

hmmm if it's only 2 then A and B

b and a

It's B and D

The correct answer is actually b and d: "new foods and resources were brought back to European markets" and "many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed."

To arrive at the correct answer, we need to analyze the options given and consider the historical consequences of European exploration during the Age of Discovery. During this time period, European explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, embarked on voyages that led them to discover new lands in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These discoveries had significant impacts on both the Europeans and the indigenous peoples they encountered.

Option a, "the indigenous peoples of America transmitted smallpox to European explorers," is not entirely accurate. Smallpox was indeed a disease brought by the Europeans to the Americas, and it devastatingly affected the indigenous populations, causing widespread epidemics and high mortality rates. It's important to note that the indigenous peoples did not transmit smallpox to the Europeans.

Option c, "Europeans adopted American religions customs into Protestant Christianity," is incorrect as well. While encounters between European explorers and indigenous peoples did lead to cultural exchanges, such as the introduction of new foods, ideas, and customs, there is no evidence to suggest that European explorers adopted American religions customs into Protestant Christianity. The religious interactions during this period were mainly attempts by the Europeans to convert the indigenous peoples to Christianity.

Option b, "new foods and resources were brought back to European markets," is accurate. European explorers discovered various new foods, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and chocolate, in the Americas. Additionally, they also gained access to valuable resources like gold, silver, and tobacco, which were highly sought after in European markets.

Option d, "many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed," is unfortunately true. The arrival of Europeans often led to violent conflicts, enslavement, forced labor, and the introduction of diseases to which the indigenous peoples had no immunity. These factors, combined with the economic and territorial ambitions of the Europeans, resulted in the significant loss of life and the decline of indigenous populations.

Therefore, the correct answers are b and d: "new foods and resources were brought back to European markets" and "many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed."