Pantry package potluck portfolio help 5 items

peanuts, almonds, cranberries, m &m, and almonds

Go search up "pantry package potluck portfolio" And there are two videos on youtube that are made by iuniversity prep I recommend watching them but they helped so much. Tempest is never wrong even my spelling is on point. TRUST ME

OK so I was having a lot of trouble with his portfolio specifically because my teacher ended up changing it and if you have that you have to create a direct double dish from five package ingredients what I did is I looked up within sliced chicken breast Swiss cheese canned mushroom bread crumbs and shredded to cheese don’t copy me but basically then I converted the pounds 2 ounces if they were in pounds if it was an ounce is not good and then the ounces I change to fractions then it was the recipe instructions that’s what I did then after that it’s gonna ask you to do the total ingredients in the serving size and basically what I did for this is just the Paul to get it each one of these so basically if it was 2 1/4 for the chicken then I looked it up as a decimal and how to convert it to a fraction and just wrote that in there and then serving size per person I had a lot of trouble with this and basically I just looked up how much it would alll be together then I divided it making a little more section I just wrote down what it will be three times to them as a fraction calculator that I liked which also helps a lot and then for the section where it says find the error was really easy except for the last couple ones

yall no help :/ go to brainly

i'm struggling too


There's a such thing called a fraction calculator but i can also walk you through the steps if you want.

Kim said almonds twice and um help isn't neccecery on this lesson but how i see it is that yall just dont wann ado it like me :/


plz :<

I'll give you guys the first step.


we have;


1.5 as a fraction is 1 5/10
2.25 as a fraction is 2 1/4
4.75 as a fraction is 4 3/4

So NOW we have;

1 5/10
2 1/4
4 3/4

Now we order them least to greatest.