in this unit, you learned about several states that border Mexico. write a short paragraph that describes at least two similarities and two differences between those states.

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Two similarities between the states that border are that they, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas, were all once part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Because of this, many "immigrants" still live there today. One difference between them is that, unlike the others, Texas was not influenced by the culture as much as the other states. Another difference would be_____

To find the information about states that border Mexico, we can turn to reliable sources such as an atlas, a geography textbook, or government websites. One similarity that can be observed among these states is their border proximity to Mexico, which positions them as neighbors to the country. Another similarity is the influence of Mexican culture in these states, such as the prevalence of Spanish language, the popularity of Mexican cuisine, and the presence of vibrant Hispanic communities. As for differences, one could note variations in geographical features among these states. For instance, California is characterized by a diverse landscape of beaches, mountains, and deserts, whereas Arizona is predominantly known for its desert and Grand Canyon. Additionally, another difference could be the political and economic systems of these states, which may vary in terms of governance, policies, and industries present in each region. To provide a more detailed and specific answer, it would be beneficial to consult credible sources.