Choose the Compound Inequality that represents this phrase:

All real numbers that are less than -3, or greater than or equal to 5
(I need to check my answer)
A) x < -3 or x >_ 5
B) x < 5 or x >_ -3
C) x <_ -3 or x > 5***
D) X <_ -3 or x <_ 5

Oml janice is NOT CORRECT, anymore that is,

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
For connexus

@Steve ,leave the girl alone. She didn't input the section into Language Arts, now did she? If you can correct her note that this is indeed the "mathematics" section, I mean if you can read of coarse.Remember your place.

Jose out of it.She's right. It's so funny cause this kinda is the mathematics section lol.

Luck is right, I got 100%. Thank you!

luck is correct

LuCk Is RiGhT aNd AwEsOmE

Nope. You want A

reread the question carefully

It might be better to use >= instead of >_

x < -3 or x >= 5

Oh, I know, I meant to make a sign like: ≥

@Bruh for 6 questions 2021 it's

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A

But, thank you so much, yes, lol, I double checked my math, your right :)