-2/5 x -1 1/4 I'm confused on how to solve this. can someone help?

The answer would be 1/2, I think, check with your own math, and see what you get :)

(-2/5)*(-1 1/4) = (-2/5)*(-5/4) = 10/20 = 1/2

Ok thank you! I think i understand now :D

To solve the expression (-2/5) multiplied by (-1 1/4), we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number (-1 1/4) to an improper fraction.
- To do this, multiply the whole number (-1) by the denominator of the fraction (4), and add the numerator (1). This gives us (-1 * 4 + 1 = -3).
- Write the result (-3) over the denominator (4) to get -3/4.

Step 2: Multiply the two fractions (-2/5) and (-3/4).
- Multiply the numerators (-2 * -3 = 6).
- Multiply the denominators (5 * 4 = 20).
- Write the product (6/20) in its simplest form.
- Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF), which is 2 in this case. (6/2)/(20/2) = 3/10.

Therefore, the solution to the expression (-2/5) multiplied by (-1 1/4) is 3/10.