What was noted Protestant Reformer William Tyndale able to accomplish with the aid of the newly invented printing press?

translate and publish the new testament in Yiddish

translate and publish the Bible in English

translate and publish the new testament in French

translate and publish the Bible in Arabic
i think its b

B is right.

thank you

You're welcome.

I'm pretty big.

You are correct! Protestant Reformer William Tyndale was able to translate and publish the Bible in English with the aid of the newly invented printing press. The printing press revolutionized the production of books during the 15th century, making it faster, cheaper, and more efficient to print large quantities of texts. This invention played a crucial role in Tyndale's work as it made it possible for him to spread his translated version of the Bible to a wider audience. By translating the Bible into English, Tyndale sought to make the scriptures more accessible to the common people, challenging the monopoly of the Catholic Church over biblical interpretation. His translation greatly influenced later English translations, and his work played a significant role in the development of the English language.