I am going to compare Plato and Gandhi. I find it hard to know what i can compare between the two philosophers. What are the differences and similarities between the two.

I'm not sure Gandhi is regarded as a philosopher. I think you should concentrate on their political ideas/ideals.



Read lots, and have fun. It should be interesting.

To compare Plato and Gandhi, you can start by exploring their backgrounds, philosophical ideas, and approach to activism. Here's how you can find their differences and similarities:

1. Research their backgrounds: Begin by understanding the historical and cultural contexts in which Plato and Gandhi lived. Investigate Plato's life and times in ancient Greece, including his education and role in the development of Western philosophy. Learn about Gandhi's life in India, his education in law, and his involvement in India's struggle for independence.

2. Examine their philosophical ideas: Delve into Plato's philosophy by studying his major works, such as "The Republic" and "The Allegory of the Cave." Identify key concepts like the Theory of Forms, the philosopher-king, and his views on justice and governance. Similarly, explore Gandhi's philosophy, often referred to as Gandhism or Satyagraha, which emphasizes truth, non-violence, self-restraint, and the importance of social justice.

3. Analyze their views on ethics and morality: Compare Plato and Gandhi's perspectives on ethics and morality. Consider Plato's emphasis on the pursuit of virtue, the idea of the philosopher as a moral guide, and his vision of an ideal society. Contrast this with Gandhi's focus on non-violence, truthfulness, and how one's personal ethics should align with their actions in society.

4. Evaluate their views on political systems: Contrast Plato's belief in an aristocratic ruling class, as portrayed in "The Republic," with Gandhi's advocacy for decentralization and local self-governance. Analyze how their ideas of governance and justice differ and how those differences reflect their broader philosophies.

5. Explore their approach to activism: Investigate Plato's ideas on political activism through his dialogue in "The Apology" and "Phaedrus." Understand how he viewed the role of the philosopher in society and whether he saw direct political action as necessary. Then, examine Gandhi's approach to activism, which focused on non-violent resistance, civil disobedience, and peaceful protests to bring about social and political change.

By studying these aspects, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of Plato and Gandhi. This will enable you to identify and compare their differences and similarities in terms of their backgrounds, philosophical ideas, ethical views, political perspectives, and approaches to activism.