Robin has 7 red beads, 27 purple beads, and 24 yellow beads. She wants to make a necklace with the pattern: 1 red bead; 3 purple beads; 2 yellow beads. How many times can she repeat the pattern? Which color of beads will she run out first?

she has enough beads for

red: 7/1 = 7 patterns
purple: 27/3 = 9 patterns
yellow: 24/2 = 12 patterns

so, what do you think?

To figure out how many times Robin can repeat the pattern, we need to determine the number of beads she has for each color in the pattern.

The pattern consists of 1 red bead, 3 purple beads, and 2 yellow beads. Let's calculate how many times she can repeat the pattern using the available beads.

For the red beads:
Robin has 7 red beads, and the pattern requires 1 red bead each time. Therefore, she can repeat the pattern 7 times using the red beads.

For the purple beads:
Robin has 27 purple beads, and the pattern requires 3 purple beads each time. To determine how many times she can repeat the pattern with the purple beads, we divide the total number of purple beads by the number of purple beads required in each repetition: 27 ÷ 3 = 9. So, she can repeat the pattern 9 times using the purple beads.

For the yellow beads:
Robin has 24 yellow beads, and the pattern requires 2 yellow beads each time. We divide the total number of yellow beads by the number of yellow beads required in each repetition: 24 ÷ 2 = 12. Therefore, she can repeat the pattern 12 times using the yellow beads.

Now we need to determine which color of beads she will run out of first.

Since Robin can repeat the pattern 7 times with the red beads, 9 times with the purple beads, and 12 times with the yellow beads, we are interested in the minimum number of repetitions. In this case, the minimum number of repetitions is 7, as that is the fewest number of times she can repeat the pattern with any of the bead colors.

Therefore, the color she will run out of first is the one that is required the most times in the pattern, which is the purple beads. She only has enough purple beads for 9 repetitions, while the other colors will last for more repetitions.